Please pay careful attention to the official rules and the method of scoring below. It has changed slightly from previous years.
Runners will be scored within traditional 5 year age groups, masters, and overall, for both males and females, going 5 deep. Age groups will start at “19 and Under” and go through “70 and Up”. Runners placing in the overall and masters categories at the end of the season will be pulled out of their age groups, and runners placing in both the overall and masters categories will have their choice of one of those awards, but not both. For each race, points will be awarded amongst registered Super GP participants as follows:
Each series participant must run a minimum of 5 of the available races to qualify for awards, including at least 1 race from each of the 3 clubs. For Overall and Masters Competitions, only the best 6 scores will count, including at least 1 race from each club. In age group competition, only the best 12 scores will count, including at least 1 race from each club. In the case of a tie, an additional race will be counted, and then another if necessary, and so on, until the tie is broken. Persistent ties are then broken by head-to-head competition and then, if necessary, fastest HRSGP event 5K time.